Saturday, 19 May 2007

Idols of the new generation

Recently, I listened to a sermon "Freedom from idolatry" (parts 1&2) by an American evangelist named John Bevere. Here is the link:

I would STRONGLY recommend all Christians to read it. It is in two sections of around 35 mins each, but it's absolute gold. I have rarely been so convicted, rebuked and refreshed by a sermon before!
Bear in mind, when I listened to the first 10 mins or so, I was tempted to switch off; he has that cheesy American preacher style. He says "Amen, haaaa-lelluia!" at the end of approx 50% of his sentences. And he says a few things about Catholicism at the start which some may find annoying or misguided.

However, once he hits his stride, all that goes out of the window, and he focuses solely on preaching God's word; proceeding to illustrate exactly what it means in today's age to worship idols. Frankly, it was my intention to write about it here, but for all my eloquence in writing, I think I would not do his critically important and urgent message justice, so please just make the time to listen! This one sermon could fundamentally change your Christian life, and your perception of a lot of things!

So, that saves me (and you, my longsuffering and possibly non-existent readers) a long blog!
Always remember that Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to help us. On our own strength alone, we cannot hope to live up to God's requirements; we cannot hope to truly love God with ALL our hearts, ALL our minds and ALL our strength.

But this is where the Holy Spirit comes into the equation, and the new life we have in Christ; a supernatural life, where we are assisted by the aforementioned divine agents in the task of doing what the Lord requires of us, in a lifelong journey towards the ultimate goal of growing into the likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Even just writing those words stirs something in my heart. I feel hugely encouraged and uplifted. We are not in this alone. We have the maker of the heavens and the Earth backing us up, and our own spiritual family at church! So, as Paul urged, let us encourage one another. Let us grow and abound in knowledge, in love and in faith. Amen.

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