Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Hello World (that's a geek joke, lol)

My very first foray into the wonderful world of blogging. I now exist as a cyber entity, free to dispense, wit, wisdom, weirdness and wonder to those unfortunate enough to stumble upon my incoherent ramblings. I've been thinking about doing this for about 2 years, and finally I feel it is time. Let joy be unconfined :P
Soooo... I suppose I should start with some kind of mission statement. One of my favourite Christian songs goes "Jesus, You alone shall be my first love.. the secret place and highest praise shall be yours... to Your throne I'll bring devotion, may it be the sweetest sound; Lord this heart is reaching for you now.. So I set my sights upon You; I've set my life upon Your praise; never looking to another way.. Jesus, you will be my passion, You alone will be my song, You will find me longing after You". I love this song, because it sums up everything I hope and dream my life will be as a Christian. I am a man of many passions, which you will doubtless hear about as I blog more, but mere words cannot express my passion for Jesus. When I think about God's amazing grace, and the power of the Lord, mighty to save, I can't contain my joy and awe. I just want to follow Him faithfully all of my days. Sadly, the devil, the world and my own mind and body generally have different ideas :P

So it is important to recognise that we can and will fall and fail. Hence the need to die to ourselves and the world on a daily basis. Every day is a battlefield, where we choose which side we’re going to be fighting on, and at the end of every day, we can come before the Father, through faith in Christ Jesus, and:
Lay our burdens before Him, confess our sins to Him, ask for His forgiveness and restoration and be renewed.

Lest I risk sounding like some kind of zealous Alpha-Christian, mighty in the Spirit etc, let me share a thought I had recently:
As I thought about the times when we sing those worship songs in church, when we talk about the victorious Christian life, when I talk about walking according to the Spirit, I reminded myself:

With what should I come before the Lord?

Should I raise my unclean hands in praise?

Should I confess He is Lord, with a mouth full of all deceit?

Invite Him into an impure heart

And meditate upon Him through a mind fogged with sin?

Should I declare Him Lord, while I put money and titles first?

Should I invite Him onto the throne of my life,

Then let everything else in my life force Him out?

The Lord on the outside, looking in;

At the life I promised would be His alone from now?

Lord, forgive me that I treat the salvation you have given me with disregard. Truly, I cannot come before you save through the gift of Your grace. Forgive me Father that every day, I let other things push You out of my mind, fail to carry out Your commands and neglect Your church. Yet only say the word, and I shall be healed. Amen.

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